
Sunday, June 15, 2008

Blue Jays eating nuts

Blue Jay
Blue Jay

Mike got the nickname peanut man in Brazil from sharing his peanuts with some spider monkeys. This weekend he left some peanuts in the shell on the deck railing. Some blue jays quickly discovered them, carrying them one by one to nearby trees to open and eat. Then something weird happened. A blue jay brought one of the nuts back, placed it on the railing and flew off. It had pecked a hole in it, but didn't get the nuts out. So Mike shelled it and some others and the bird came back. Not content with half a peanut, it stuffed several in its mouth, rearranged them and flew off. We also tried marconi almonds, and pistachios. They liked them all. Next week, it's hazelnuts.

1 comment:

  1. To the rest of the world hazelnuts and almonds might be a bit expensive to feed to birds. Although it sounds like they might enjoy them a bit more than I would anyway.
