A Bufflehead arrived!!!

Maybe this little bufflehead heard that we were disappointed at not seeing any of his kind at Sandy Hook over the weekend. It sure was nice of him to drop by to cheer us up. Here's what happened this morning. Chris was downstairs and sounded the alarm when she spotted him. Mike rushed down and we both went out on our dock to see him and photograph him. He swam down to the dam, so we decided to take a walk to get closer to him down there. Of course, in the few minutes it took us to get there we lost him. When we came back home, we didn't see him again either, but Chris did see two American Widgeons. Mike was inside and did not see her frantically waving her arms for him to come out with the camera, so we have no pictures of them. Eventually Mike got on his way to work, and Chris had a little more time before she had to leave. The little guy came back and the sun was better by then, so she was able to get some that really show all his great coloring around his head. He was even here later in the day for a little while when she got back from work. We like the comparison of the pictures for two reason. It shows the distinct size difference between him and the geese and also the difference the lighting can make.

Labels: Bufflehead, Ducks, Fall Birds