Female Belted Kingfisher
This stick provides hours of entertainment. We can always count on someone to be out there.
Labels: Belted Kingfisher, Fall Birds

Info & pictures of common New Jersey birds: the woodpecker, cardinal, king fisher, warbler, robin, tufted titmouse, finch, mallard, cormorant, baby ducks, grebe, goose, cat bird, sapsucker, northern flicker, chickadee, merganser, hawk, heron, hairy woodpecker & goldfinch plus muskrat, groundhog & beaver. Many photos were taken at Lake Nelson in Piscataway, NJ and others in NJ bird spots: Cape May, the Meadowlands, and Sandy Hook or vacations in Florida, California and the Caribbean.
Labels: Belted Kingfisher, Fall Birds
Labels: Bufflehead, Fall Birds
Hi Chris and Mike ....saw your pictures of the Bufflehead ducks
great shots. Just want to let you know the Snow Geese have arrived
at Forsythe my friend Nina and I
were there on Friday.
wasn't sure what type of ducks that have come to my lake in Ringwood, NJ until I saw your pics of the Bufflehead diving ducks.
Labels: Fall Birds, Red-Headed Woodpecker
I just saw this bird, the male, at the Mack-Cali building in Clark, NJ(an office building just a mile down the road from Lenope Park). I don't know anything about birds, but I was curious knowing I had never seen this type of bird before. I found it eveb more odd that it was standing just outside the entrance the building. It just sat there not even a foot from me for a few minutes and didn't move very much. Think it could have been sick?
I found the type of bird on google and searched for red-bellied woodpeckers in NJ and it brought me to this exact page.
How odd! I hope it wasn't ill.
Labels: Fall Birds, Nuthatch, White-breasted Nuthatch, Yellow Bellied Sapsucker
Labels: Cormorant, Double-crested Cormorant, Fall Birds
Labels: Contributed Photos