Northern Flicker from Garret Mountain
The Northern Flicker is one of our favorite types of woodpeckers found in New Jersey. We get plenty of red-bellied woodpeckers and downy woodpeckers in our yard. We get an occasional hairy woodpecker and other members of the woodpecker family including yellow-bellied sapsuckers and white-breasted nuthatches. The suet feeders and seed keep most of these woodpeckers coming back. A downy woodpecker has even made a home in a hollowed out tree limb. However, the northern flicker doesn't come to our feeders but stops by occasionally to eat insects off the ground or trees. Here are two photos of this bird that we took at Garret Mountain this weekend.

Labels: Garret Mountain, Northern Flickers, Spring Birds

my name is jon, I'm a wedding/portrait photographer in need of your knowledgeable assistance. I'm trying to identify a woodpecker via a photo I took a few weeks back, but am not confident with the images provided on wikipedia's "list of new jersey birds".
would you be able to assist me? please let me know!
please email me at: jon AT dreamlitephotography DOT com
thank you =]
We definately have Pileated and Northern Flickers in Mercer County, NJ. Don't see the Pileated at my feeders but see them in the woods. Lots of Downy and Red-bellied at my feeders and an occasional Flicker.