Spring Migrants
In May, many migrating birds fly through New Jersey. While we like Cape May, Garret Mountain and other birding hot spots, our neighborhood park is a short walk away and an okay spot to see a few birds high in the treetops. We've got a glimpse of a scarlet tanager two mornings in the past week, but no photos (yet). We also saw a Tennessee warbler. The Baltimore Orioles are active and we've also seen an American Redstart and a common yellowthroat.
Labels: American Redstart, Baltimore Oriole, Common Yellowthroat

Baby Robin Help Needed!
A chic was found in our yard this morning that fell from its nest. It's mother is nowhere to be found. I don't know how old/young it is but it doesn't seem to have tail feathers yet. We bought food and have fed it but cannot keep it due to two large Maine Coons we own. What do we do with it?
Please e-mail replies to lijay1@verizon.net. Thank you.