A Warbler Morning!
We could hear the birds singing at 6 am, and Chris is getting better at detecting some of the warbler songs and calls. This morning, although we could not photograph them all as they move so quickly, we had the following warblers: Canada, Magnolia, Chestnut-sided, American Redstart (male and female), and a Black and White or possibly a Blackpoll. We are seeing a warbler that doesn't look quite so zebra like as the Black and White does, but it doesn't look exactly like a Blackpoll either. We also had a lovely Red-eyed Vireo stop by. For Chris, the thrill of the morning was seeing the male redstart enjoy the waterfall she found on Craig's list. The sound of the trickling water is said to attract birds that don't come to feeders, and if that's what attracted the redstart to the yard, it was worth every penny and every bruise she got lugging it home.
A chestnut-sided warbler singing up a storm for us.
This picture of the magnolia warbler is not up to our usual standards (Chris was the photographer.) We know it's blurry, but it's so amazing to us that we can find these warblers in our yard this year that we had to post. Hopefully, it will encourage others to take a look at what might be in their own backyards.