
Saturday, June 19, 2010

Birding on Flip Flop Friday

We relaxed a bit on our dock on National Flip Flop day. Some cedar waxwings were catching bugs over the lake. The mother oriole was looking for food to feed the babies that we can hear but not see high overhead. Some turtles got into the spirit and sunned themselves on the float island.

Two Cedar Waxwings
Two Waxwings

Female Baltimore Oriole

Great Blue Heron flying overhead

Blue Jay in the water feature

Three Turtles relaxing in the sun


  1. Just beautiful photos! I'm glad to see you posting again.
    Could you please tell me what kind of camera you use? I want one that I can take photos of birds with and I think your photos are wonderful. Mary

  2. Mary,

    I put up a link to the right to the camera we are currently using, a Sony Alpha with the Sony SAL-500F80 500mm f/8 Reflex Super Telephoto Lens.

    It's a little more expensive than a point and shoot camera (but then again, I've seen even better photos with cameras and lens that cost 10 times this amount). I used to use the Panasonic Lumix that is a bit less expensive and pretty good. Click on the photos from 2008 to see the difference.
