
Sunday, July 10, 2011

Negri Nepote: Dickcissel and More

Dickcissel: Negri Nepote

Indigo Bunting
Indigo Bunting

Tree Swallow: Negri Nepote
Tree Swallow

Negri Nepote Butterfly

We had a nice little, local birding adventure this morning. Many things combined that influenced our lack of ambition for birding of late; poor spring migration turnout, lousy weather, and work and travel for Mike. We had such success at spotting what we set out for and more this morning, that it really renewed our enjoyment for birding. It was VERY hot, though, even early this morning, so we enjoyed for as long as we could out in the fields and then headed off for other adventures. As an aside, there is a blueberry bash this weekend at Terhune Farms, and Chris thinks the blueberry pie is the best piece of pie she's ever had!

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