
Thursday, June 28, 2012

Goodbye Lake Nelson

Night Heron at Dam

Black Crowned Night HeronBlack Crowned Night Heron
Black Crowned Night Heron

Barn Swallow

Barn SwallowsBarn Swallows
Barn Swallows

Cedar Waxwing
Cedar Waxwing

Gray Catbird
Gray Catbird

Tufted Titmouse
Tufted Titmouse with a peanut


Well, this is really it. We fly to California at 7:40am tomorrow. In between packers, car transport and movers, we got in some backyard birding. One new discovery this week was the barn swallows feeding juveniles. Barn Swallows almost never land in our yard, but we had juveniles in trees being fed by adults catching the mosquitoes on the lake. Cedar waxwings are infrequent visitors but they were out on the lake catching insects as well. The night heron flew by and landed on the gate by the dam. We took a walk down and saw him on a log over the stream and then higher in a tree. The catbirds are finishing the last of our jelly and the titmouse took our last peanut.

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